Blue4You is a communication agency that specializes on institutional communication. Blue4You has successfully worked on projects with leading Consultancy Companies (Mostra, Deloitte, PWC, Gopa, Agriconsulting, Cardno,…) and high profile institutional customers, providing high-end products.
This is always achieved by establishing the proper workflows and procedures in all levels (analysis, graphic creation, development, project management and communication) between our partners and clients guaranteeing smooth collaboration between all working teams.
Blue4You has created graphic identity for a wide range of institutions and programmes such as the European Institute of Peace (EIP), the Fonds National de la Recherche Scientifique (FNRS), the Belgian Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the Belgian Foreign Trade Agency as well as a substantial number of EC sponsored projects and programmes. Our graphic expertize applies to a wide range of both online and offline communication tools. The company has developed several multisite platforms amongst which “OpenFED” a platform in Drupal 7, aimed at hosting all Belgian Federal websites. This distribution is very similar to the DG COMM FPFIS. As such, Blue4You is specialised in the Drupal environment and have in-depth knowledge of developing Drupal based complex platform under strict technical conditions and guidelines.
Over 70% of Blue4You clients are coming from the public sector and specifically the European Commission for example, DG External Relations, DG Environment, the International Criminal Court as well as a wide selection of Belgian institutions. Blue4You activity relates both the development of online communication tools (website, applications, central data management systems, databases, webzines,…) as well as the creation of offline supports (PPT presentations, leaflets and brochures, …).
Blue4You is also highly experienced in mobile applications ergonomics and design, having been involved in the creation of widely used apps such as RTLinfo, M6, FunRadio, Twizz Radio, NuSkin, Belgian Economic Missions, etc.